Thursday, March 10, 2011

Blog Post #5

Dear English 110 students,

When I first got to this class I thought it would be another easy composition class just like in high school but I soon realized it wasn’t. From the very first paper I knew this class would be a lot different and a lot more challenging. The papers we wrote in this class were very in depth and analytical and require you, as a writer and a student, to really get into the topic of your papers and be attached to your topic for the entire quarter.

As a student of this class I recommend that you do not procrastinate on writing these papers and actually take your time to extensively prepare yourself for a paper. I feel like this class makes it a little easier on the student because it allows you to pick the topic and source that you would like to be writing about and that you would truly enjoy writing about, unlike other classes that would just throw a topic at you and expect you to enjoy writing about it. In order to use this to your advantage you need to actually take time and pick a source that you actually would like to write about, don’t wait till the last minute and just pick a random advertisement because you will make this class a lot harder than it needs to be. Pick a source that you like and can be attached to.

I was smart in picking a commercial that I would truly enjoy writing about but I regret the effort that I put in the first couple papers. I would not do my papers till late at night the day before they were due and would basically just crank out a paper to get over and done with. I do not recommend this and I wish I didn’t do this not only cause the grade I received on these papers but the stress I put on myself the night before. I did this for my secondary source paper especially and it was not fun staying up till 7 AM and waking up the next day for classes. The grade I got also reflected the effort I put in on this paper but I was determined to change this and become a better writer. As the quarter went on I worked on the next papers a little ever day or every other day and the grade on the final paper reflected that and I recommend to you all that you do this, it will make things a lot easier and make this class a lot more enjoyable.



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