Sunday, January 9, 2011

Blog Post #1

When people first think of exercise they commonly think of professional athletes, famous actors and popular figures. When I first think of exercise the first thing that comes to my mind are professional football players because that is my favorite sport and I believe that they are the best overall and most balanced athletes. Because I am used to watching and picturing these incredible athletes, I will find it interesting to study more about the average person. It is true that America has found itself in an obesity problem but this can be misleading as many Americans strive to model themselves after these famous figures by exercising and staying in shape in order to fit in in their communities. There are also many other reasons that a person exercises like for personal satisfaction, preparing for a sport or physical event, or even just to relieve stress after a long day of work.

I myself am able to connect portrayals of exercise in the media to my own interests because these people have mastered exercise and are popular in the public image and have become almost the standard or desired look which helps motivate me to exercise and get in shape. Of course this is not the only reason I exercise. Exercise also helps me to relieve stress and calm down and is my favorite thing to do after a long day of work or school. Also exercising is an important part of staying healthy and in shape. It is important for someone to stay physically active whether you’re working out for 2 hours at the gym or simply taking a walk after work.


  1. It's definitely true that most people strive to look like a certain celebrity or athlete. They definitely have become all of our role models in some way or another. It's also interesting that football players are the first things that come to your mind when you think of exercise. When I think of exercise, I automatically think of volleyball conditioning. Over all, the topics that you brought up were pretty interesting and I completely agree with you saying that people exercise for all types of reasons. My main reason is because it calms me down and relieves stress, and it could be a completely different reason for somebody else.

  2. Football players are incredible athletes. I remember watching a New Orleans Saints game once and Reggie Bush was coming off an injury, and the announcers talked about his incredible 40-time (which I don't remember), and his 500-lb squat. That's incredible, professional athletes are peak physical condition (maybe not all baseball players), but just being paid to perform at such an intense level has to make someone into just an amazing example of human being. I also agree that exercise relieves stress. After a long day of tests, class, work, whatever, I generally go to the gym and workout, or get into a pick-up game of basketball. It's something that everyone should take a part of regularly.

  3. I also agree that we look up to athletes when we think of exercise. Professional athletes are in the best shape, whether they play football or any other sport. I like how we try to model after them because it gives us the motivation to work hard. They influence people everyday to work hard and stay in shape.
    Exercise also helps me relieve stress and calm down after a busy day. I have probably been the most stressed in college, and exercising is the only thing that reduces that stress. I automatically know now that when I'm stressed, I need to head right to the gym or do some sort of physical activity.
