Thursday, February 3, 2011

Blog Post #3

The first website I decided to view for this post was This is a website that at first glance, because of the name, I expected to be very flashy and filled with advertisements like most “get slim quick” websites and advertisements but to my surprise it actually wasn’t. This site actually seems like a very reliable and realistic source to try to find new ways and dvds to exercise and get into shape. The website offers fitness programs, supplements, gear, videos and even success stories. The first thing that came to my attention when going to the site was the quick view at success stories shown in the before and after photos on the home page. These pictures show multiple people who have lost a considerable amount of weight by using the dvds sold on the website’s page. Beside the one lady who was 39 years old and lost 74 pounds it had a quote from her saying “P90X gave me strength. It gave me hope. It gave me power. I started believing I could once again be the person I was before MS.” Below this the website lists and describes some more popular workout videos that are sold on that site in their own little boxes almost like advertisements for their own site and in these boxes there are flashy images to persuade people to use each individual dvd but the flashiness doesn’t come from the site itself only the dvd advertisements on the site. This makes the site seem more reliable and realistic by separating itself from these flashy advertisements and trying to actually explain which of these workout videos are worth using and which are not good at all.

The second website I looked at was and this website once again unlike I expected was not very flashy at all. Although this website wasn’t flashy it showed images of almost unrealistic people and bodies after using their programs and videos but what I noticed the most is that the company focuses their advertisements and goals more towards selling their products, mainly pills and supplements. Like the other website there was a picture towards the top that showed an image but instead being an image of a person the first image they showed was and image of bottles of supplements and pills saying things like “Worlds #1 online supplement Store” or “Award-Winning Customer Service” to try to persuade people to buy supplements from their site rather than trying to help people find the best workout for them and being more informative. Looking more into the site it is mainly based on these pills and supplements and the people or models shown are extremely unrealistic. If I were trying to find ways to exercise and find dvds and information to help me with my workout I would definitely go to but isnt completely useless because I myself like to use supplements when I work and I would not mind using this site to shop for a product to help with my workout.

1 comment:

  1. Not a bad post. I like how you had a quote from the website about the P90X program. However, you might want to expand on your thoughts a little bit. For instance, you mentioned how the sight wasn't very flashy; why not, what made it not so flashy? Was it the colors, the way it was set up, etc. As to the second website, do you think that the pictures that were posted would want people to buy the products or were they too unrealistic? I do however, like that you put how the website had written "World's #1 online supplement Store". This puts the websites focus into context. Suddenly, you realize that the website is not really to help people with workouts but to sell them a product. This can change things around considerably because if this ad was focused on trimming down and just getting in shape, the pictures would be overkill. But once the reader understands that these supplements are meant to make you bigger, the images are put into a more understandable context. There are only a few things that you need to iron out, but overall nice job.
